Digital Certificates for Healthcare

The COVID-19 pandemic is putting worldwide hospitals and healthcare facilities under considerable extra stress. The need for digital accreditation is more important now than ever since the covid outbreak because people are more concerned about healthcare and security. The healthcare industry increasingly relies on accreditation affiliation and programs to streamline and improve reliable methods for computer security and online data exchange systems and how they are generated, chosen, and implemented in a variety of applications, including IoT scenarios for medical equipment security.

Accreditation groups are strengthening industry standards for quality, privacy, security, and confidentiality, as well as outlining deployment best practices for an industry that is one of the most vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks, through their independent third-party assessment process.

Digital certificates in accreditation programs enable strong, two-factor identity verification, which is extremely crucial for compliance with regulations and cybersecurity, as well as a method for creating digital signatures, which are extremely important to procedures and activities in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. Including such validating e-prescriptions helps with controlled drugs in compliance with DEA EPCS rules and is aimed at curbing America’s drug abuse crisis and other pre-existing conditions.

Some of the notable associations to include Digital accreditation for healthcare industries include:


The accreditation programs offered by EHNAC are meant to help healthcare businesses improve data security and privacy, operational excellence, and transactional integrity. Once an organization is EHNAC-accredited, it must meet not just EHNAC’s requirements, but also the prerequisites of other statutes, such as:

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) HITECH is an acronym for high-tech (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act) ARRA is an acronym for the American Recovery and Re (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) The Affordable Care Act (ACA, popularly known as “Obamacare”)

SAFE-BioPharma Association:

The SAFE-BioPharma Association is a non-profit organization that develops and administers the SAFE-BioPharma digital identity and digital certificate framework for the pharmaceutical, biomedical, and healthcare industries around the world. “Signatures & Authentication For Everyone” is the acronym for SAFE. The biopharmaceutical sector and its regulators developed the standard to enable the fastest-growing global identification assurance for cyber-transactions in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries.


Accreditation Program for Trusted Networks The Trusted Network Accreditation Program (TNAP) is an industry collaborative effort that addresses ONC regulatory requirements and provides third-party accreditation for all relevant healthcare stakeholders, in accordance with the 21st Century Cures Act and the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA).

The purpose of TNAP is to foster interoperability in the health industry by ensuring the privacy and security of trust and reliance and the usage of enabling technologies.