Experiencing Digital Certificate and Digital badge

Digital Credentials have revolutionized the face of certifications and badges. Adapting digital certification and digital badges is a must across all industries considering its demanding rise in the new digital world.

So how does the digital credential experience differ from the traditional method?

Ever been to an on-site training program where you received a paper-based completion certificate? How did you aid the certification in your portfolio? Was it easy to verify its authenticity for employment?

The answer to this may vary but what remains constant is the tedious process that comes with verifying, sharing and aiding the certification for the benefit of employment.

This is why Digital credentials are far-reaching.

On successful completion of a course or a project or on accomplishing a task, digital platforms provide the learner with a digital credential. Digital credential mainly comprises digital certification and digital badges.

Digital certificates are the digital equivalent to paper-based traditional certification. They are awarded on completion of an online degree, membership, accomplishment of a task and more. Digital certifications carry high-stake value to them and are often credited with the organizations signature and authorization.

Digital badges are mostly used to reward as a low-stake credential. For example, tracking the progress and rewarding for the same, qualifying for a project or attaining a skill.

Digital credentials are shareable, portable and easy to verify. It maximizes the learner’s engagement and encourages involvement. It helps reduce costs, quantify their members through referrals and also saves time. Hence, it is of utmost importance for any organization across all industries to optimize the digital credential experience as this will encourage engagement which will further create a brand value.

In Conclusion:

Learners who have invested in online learning or training platforms will want their experience to be recognised and certified. Digital credentials are a way to improve learners’ engagement and experience.