Technological Advancements for Edtech Companies

With the remote working and learning conditions imposed by the government during the global pandemic and its on and off return, the need for EdTech companies is gaining popularity revolutionising the education system of India.

The lockdown imposed in March 2020, made the whole country go remote overnight. From local businesses to multinational companies every industry had to face the curbs of the lockdown. What was thought to be temporary, remote working has ever since been existing and is going to be here for the long run.

Considering the lockdown and the rise of remote working, EdTech companies enabled some Technical Advancements to stay relevant in the present digital world.

Digital Credentials:

To recognise the achievements of the learner, EdTech companies issued Digital Credentials that are backed with secured blockchain technology that comes with bank-level security and a digital key that ensures the data and contents of the document remain safe from any cyber threats. Since blockchain technology stores the data in their databases it is easy for recruiters or organizations to verify the contents of the document. Digital credentials are easy to view, hare and verify.

Virtual reality and Augmented reality:

Since learners were bound by four walls, to increase engagement and to make the platforms more interactive EdTech companies enabled Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.

Virtual reality is a simulation generated through the computerisation of 3D images and environments. Learners can interact with these virtual platforms that feel physical or real.

Augmented reality is a type of Virtual reality that augments the digital elements and computer-generated environment and make them feel like a real-world through sensory modulations.


Podcasts are one of the most effective technological advancements for learners who wish to listen to learning audios while carrying day-to-day activities or while travelling. A podcast allows its user to download and listen to an audio file on the internet. It is useful for users who have no time to interact with the videos but also needs quick access to learning modules.

Podcasts are mainly in audio format and can either be found as a series of a topic or the programme as a whole. Podcasts can be recorded and published on any platform that supports podcasts. They are easy to access and simple to learn.

In Conclusion:

There have been numerous technological advancements with the recent pandemic and there are bound to have more making it crucial for companies to learn and adapt to the new rising technological advancements like Digital Credentials, Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality.