What are Credentials and Digital Credentials?

When you complete a degree or course, you wish to get recognised or demonstrate your competency for the same. So how does one do that?

A credential is a document that is filled with the identity of the recipient and qualification issued and also acts as evidence to prove the recipient’s competency in the acquired skill.

Examples of credentials may include, academic qualifications, academic degrees, diploma certificates, identity documents like birth certificates, voters cards, badges, powers of attorney and so on.

How does one gain a credential?

Academic and professional credentials are awarded or achieved when an individual completes the degree, course or project. These credentials are only issued when the individual successfully completes the course meets all the criteria set by the academy or educational institution.

Other credentials such as identification documents, security clearances, or power of attorney are issued and gained legally post rigorous verification of the individual identity.

Where are these credentials listed?

Credentials received for academics like academic certification, academic diploma and academic degrees are usually displayed on the individual portfolio or resume to prove the competency of their achievement.

Credentials like identification documents, security clearances are listed for verification or authentication of the individual identity or legitimacy.

What are Digital Credentials?

Much like traditional credentials issued to prove the individual competency in the qualification or skill achieved, Digital Credentials are issued and gained through virtual digital credential platforms and also act as evidence to prove the individual achievement of a skill, acknowledgement of talent, or completion of a degree, course and qualification.

Digital credentials can be issued as a digital certificate or digital badges or both. Digital credentials come with blockchain technology and are integrated with automation. Digital certificates and digital badges can be encrypted with a digital key to secure the contents of the digital document. Digital credentials are secured with bank-level security avoiding any data manipulation and cyber threats.

Digital credentials can be easily shared on all digital platforms, and can also be displayed on a portfolio and resume for career development. They are easy to verify, share and view.

In Conclusion:

Credentials are a piece of documents that acts as evidence to prove the persons’ competency in the skills acquired. In today’s world, these paper-based credentials are now replaced by Digital credentials. Digital credentials act similarly to what credentials were used for but the significant difference between both would be traditional credentials are paper-based and digital credentials are virtual.