How could Digital Credentials enable a global CIO summit skyRocket its ticket sales without spending a penny on advertisements?

Step 1

The summit awarded a Digital Badges to all 63 speakers & encouraged them to share it , 57 out of 63 of the speakers shared the credentials across LinkedIn & other platforms each share generated an average of 52 likes & 43 comments which translated to ~ 1400+ views

Pro tip: Don’t share the speaker badge from your end let it be shared by the awardee to generate more organic reach & likability.

Step 2

The summit issued a delegate Badge to all 8901 delegates. 3896 shared it generating an average of 11 likes and 4 comments per share translating to 935,040 website views.

Pro Tip: Use a verifiable credential, Certify Me.Online credential is likely to be share 3.8 X times more than a certificate.

Step 3

The summit producers had spent just over 4K USD’s on the credentials, of which he had sold the #advertising space on the digital credentials to an HR tech firm for 6.5 K USD :)

Moral of the story: if you are an event marketer don’t underestimate the power of your audience. Don’t just consider them as lame challenged customers and treat them as your brand ambassador and use them to your advantage. Think out of the box.