Types of Digital Certificates to Keep Digital Communication Encrypted

Types of Certificate

Digital credentials a.k.a public key certificates ensure secure online communication and data delivery. Both the issuer and the recipient heave a sigh of relief when a digital certification platform performs as an intermediator.

Verifiable credentials entail strict safety measures in the form of a public key to maintain a safe channel for official connections or mail delivery. Partnering with a credential provider platform ensures that only verified and authorized channels can access the documents. The stress of anybody accessing business information without permission is diligently addressed since the introduction of digital certificates.

The digital credential can be stored and accessed with ease if only you are the authorized member. The digital certificate comes with a digital key and digital signature that ensures secure access to the document and avoids unethical hacking or data manipulation.

The issuing organization, government agencies, and educational platforms highly benefit from digital certificates. They secure the transaction of recognizing the users’ achievements and competency regarding the qualifications.
Before discussing the types of certificates, let’s jump right into the definition of digital certificates and why they are recently so hyped up:

Table of Contents

  • Definition of digital certificates and its significance
  • TSL/SSL Certificate
  • Code Signing Certificate
  • Client Certificate
  • User Certificate
  • Signature-verification Certificate
  • Public Key Certificate
  • Class 1/2/3 Certificate
  • Object Signing Certificate

What is a digital certificate?
What is its significance in the domain of digital communication?

A digital certificate is a form of digital credential that organizations and institutions offer to individuals to honor their integrity, hard work, and dedication to completing courses/modules. Financial institutions invest in digital credentials as a precaution against involuntary access to critical papers/documents.
The certificates come with bank-level encryption.
The credentials include public key cryptography that only the owner and receiver are authorized to access. The owner encrypts data while sending it to one or n number of recipients. The receivers can take a look into the information integrated inside only after offering the necessary permission to decrypt it.
Leading web servers & browsers communicate via digital credentials to assure customers that unauthorized entrance is strictly prohibited. The documents/certificates that are shared via digital credentialing platforms remain chip-embedded to verify the authenticity of the information inside.
The digital certificates come with identifiable details such as the recipient name, earning criteria, skills & knowledge, and validity of the document.
Verifiable credentials play a significant role in assuring the maintenance of a safe connection between organizations/institutions and the receivers of the documents. These have replaced paper certificates for good.
The credentials eliminate the stress of safe handling and storage of paper certificates, carrying them around during official necessities and forgery. The digitized certificates remain on the phone encrypted and safe from an unauthenticated approach. As the credentials are sent and received via digital tools, the portability, and storage have become fuss-free.
The interoperability feature of digital certificates is another section that needs discussion. It allows the recipients or organizations to own them rather than the issuing platform. Thus, even if the certificate management tool doesn’t exist anymore, the credentials remain there, available and accessible.
The credentials open up new opportunities for professional growth for the receivers. They are socially shareable on 40+ social media platforms. Amazing no? Being able to showcase authentic documents as proof of expertise in a field/fields among social circles can boost career opportunities.
The digital certificates/badges/micro-credentials also come with a direct Linkedin share option. Using it can be one of the most straightforward options to add credentials on the job searching platform. The job portal integration feature also enables awardees to access the current open positions relevant to the skills obtained.
From the discussion above we can safely certify digital certificates as a boon to businesses, it is important to understand the different types of Digital certificates. Let’s discuss the types of Digital Certificates.

1. TLS/SSL certificates:

TLS/SSL certificates which stand for Transport Layer Security/ Secure Socket Layer is a type of digital certificate that ensures the information transfer or communication between the client and the server is secured and encrypted. The server could be an app server or a web server, basically, any server that requires authentication to communicate encrypted information.
SSL certificates use https:// web address where S stands for secure and is encrypted by the SSL layer with Transmission Control Protocol (TCP layer). SSL certificates could be issued and obtained through a secured certificate authority and require thorough verification.
The discussion on SSL certificates doesn’t end here. Let’s take a look at its subdivisions:

Single Domain SSL

In simplest terms, single-domain SSL offers communication safety to a single domain. Individual businesses that operate single-domain websites are their customers. Being a basic plan, it costs minimal. Both www and non-www websites can take this up.

Multi-Domain SSL

Another self-explanatory SSL category is multi-domain SSL which protects several domains without breaking the bank. Under the most common scenario, you can expect it to serve nearly 250 domains in one go.

Wildcard SSL

It’s an updated safety layer that allows all subdomains to use standard encryption. It’s perfect for first-level subdomains of the principal domain.

Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL

It’s the best SSL feature that ensures the highest level of encryption remains involved in domain safety.

2. Code Signing Certificate:

Code signing certificates ensure that the software or file downloaded via the internet is not manipulated or tampered with. The software or file downloaded is signed by its publisher or owner or developer. Code signing certificates also verify the legitimacy of the sign and code used to develop the software.
Code signing certificates can be purchased from the developer or certified authority. Although for the purchase to happen, one needs to meet the authentication process and requirements. Authentication can be done through verification of the notary from the lawyer, identity, and financial documents.

3. Client Certificate:

While SSL certificates verify the domain of the website, the client certificate or user certificate, as the name suggests, verifies the identity of the user to another user, the user to the server, or the user to the system. It also verifies the identity of the user for devices that require two-factor authentication or request access to the server.
Client certificates or Digital IDs can be obtained by creating a secure key that pairs with the device to prove the identity to access the server. It can also be obtained through a certified authority after providing identity documents and clearing the authentication process.

4. User Certificates:

As the name suggests, the certificate verifies user details. From passwords & usernames to certificates, many programs have welcomed this change with open arms.

5. Signature-Verification Certificates:

The certificates come with a public key that authenticates the validity of the credential and tracks modifications/tampering after signing the document.

6. Public Key Certificates:

It can be considered a digital equivalent of a passport. Reputable entities issue this certificate to identify the credential holder. A Certificate Authority (CA) offers these certificates. Another variation of this is CA Certificates. It verifies the authenticity of the issuing organization or CA.

7. Class 1/2/3 Certificates:

  • Class 1 certificates are meant for private subscribers. It checks whether the awardee information matches the CA database or not.
  • Class 2 certificates are ideal for personal and business use cases. It verifies the consumer database info matches the subscriber‘s application.
  • Class 3 certificates are for e-commerce clients who need high-grade safety assurance.

8. Object Signing Certificate:

It might sound similar to a code signing certificate but it’s not. As the name suggests, it entails digitally signing an object. Verifying the sign unlocks details about the object ownership.

In Conclusion

To make the most of digital certificates, businesses, and individuals need to understand the common types of certificates and how they need to be obtained. One also needs to understand the authentication process that goes into obtaining the different types of certificates.
Partnering with CertifyMe eliminates the lengthy certification process and simplifies it by including blockchain technology in the credentialing program. Our SSL certificates stand true to industry standards of the credentialing domain. The credentials issued via us contain all minute details and enable the issuing organization or authoritative personnel to track every action taken involving the credential. When safety is concerned, our bank-level encryption meets all your needs.